New Client Registration

To help us make your registration process smooth we have a downloadable New Client Registration Form. Please have this form filled out and ready to hand to our receptionists at your first scheduled appointment.

New Client Registration FormDownload and Print Form

Previous Medical History

We request previous medical records PRIOR to your first scheduled appointment. Receiving these records ahead of time will help expedite your first visit, and ensure we are able to provide appropriate recommendations and care. Even if your pet is overdue for vaccines, it is still beneficial for us to review this history.

If you are an existing client and your pet received medical treatment elsewhere, it is important that we receive this history for their medical record.

Records can be dropped off in person to the office, faxed to (716) 695-7837 or emailed to

Surgery Anesthesia and Consent

Is your pet scheduled for a surgical procedure? Please fill out the Surgery Anesthesia and Consent Form and bring with you the morning of you pets procedure date. If your pet is scheduled for a routine elective procedure, such as spay or neuter, please also fill out the Canine Surgery Elective or Feline Surgery Elective Form.

Surgery Anesthesia and Consent FormDownload and Print Form
Sedation Consent FormDownload and Print Form
Canine Surgery ElectiveDownload and Print Form
Feline Surgery ElectiveDownload and Print Form

Referral Forms

Are you a referring veterinarian? Please fill out the appropriate form and fax it to Pine Woods Animal Hospital with the corresponding medical records.
RehabilitationDownload and Print Form
EndoscopyDownload and Print Form

Are you an owner seeking a canine or feline behavior consult? Please download, complete, and return the form as directed on the cover sheet.
Canine BehaviorDownload and Print Form
Feline BehaviorDownload and Print Form